Unlike many other living creatures, humans can communicate and exchange ideas with the help of information technology. Technological developments such as telescopes, microscopes, and radars have helped humans even overcome some of the limitations of their senses. In today’s world, systems have been established to ensure that people don’t get cheated easily. So, how should humans live? Can humans give up their faith in godmen and supernatural practises?
Not really. It may not be possible for human beings to do so. Our brain is wired to keep on searching to satisfy its evolutionary needs. Besides, we always go after the sensations that our biochemicals create. We find horror stories and miracles very fascinating. On the other hand, our brain seeks to satisfy its curiosity and excitement as well. This is because we are genetically wired to identify dangerous situations and avoid them. Besides, human biochemistry and brain wiring are such that they encourage us to go after temptations. That’s what makes us go down the wrong path.
Over millions of years, we have acquired different beliefs, instincts, and characteristics that help us succeed in life. We are changing all that to match the prevailing social setup that we have developed for ourselves. We always like to go after extraordinary things in life, and we look out for people who can lead us. We love rumours and gossip. We love to hear and read stories about extraordinary achievers.
Basically, humans have the same thought process as that of the ancient tribes. They believe that they cannot survive in this world if they start doubting others. That’s why our instinct is to always believe the person standing next to us. Both believers and atheists need idols. Moreover, it is not easy for human beings to set themselves free from the people who lead them. The negative biases that have gotten into our minds in the past make us feel more attracted to bad things than good things. That’s why men ill-treat or molest women and children. That’s also why people find exaggerated and gruesome news exciting. Those who effectively handle communication and information technologies know that they have to present information in an exaggerated manner to make it attractive and keep them interested. Humans cannot restrain themselves from being attracted to illogical, meaningless, and impossible things in life.
When it comes to faith, humans continue to be helpless even today. The senses of most living creatures in this world are more developed than those of humans. However, only humans can transform the information he gathers through their senses into knowledge and concepts. Even though humans have the ability to see and hear, they will see and hear only what they want to see and hear. When you start thinking that you know everything, you are setting yourself up to be cheated. Man’s thought process keeps changing at every moment, and Homosapiens continue to display childlike behaviour even now, making them more vulnerable.